Mock Examinations

Our expert team of teachers have designed practice tests and teaching packages for English and Humanities subjects to prepare students for the 2021 external exams. These tests allow students to practice unseen questions. We offer the option of marking the papers or alternatively providing marking guides and exemplars for teachers to mark the questions at school.

We offer the option of marking the papers or providing marking guides with exemplars.

Our price schedule is a flat fee of $295 (+g.s.t/ postage & handling) for a package of: 2 exam questions, 2 exemplar models (A standard and C standard), response booklets and ISMGs. This is everything teachers need to mark the papers internally.

Our price for all of the above + marking is $7.95 per student (+g.s.t/ postage & handling) with a minimum of 40 students.

We have mock exams available to cover all texts on the QCAA Prescribed Text List. If your school has another text in mind, please ask as we may have this package available.

All marked mock exams will receive a detailed feedback for students, a spreadsheet for schools detailing each criteria and overall results and an email report highlighting areas for whole school improvement. The turnaround time for marking a school’s trial is approximately 2 weeks.

We look forward to helping you prepare for the ATAR system!

To contact us to arrange a trial, click here